Michele McGuinness - Looking Forward
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22 posts Arizona
The adventure begins. I'm preparing to bike across the United States. 3100 miles in 50 riding days. Come along with me...while I train, wander and search for chocolate.

Finding My Tribe

A few Saturdays ago, back before the holidays, I had a rough day. I wasn’t going to tell you about it.

That day, my schedule from my coach said I needed to bike 50 miles. My third or fourth time that week that I was doing 50 or more

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Dog Intervals -Training

Dog Training.

I live next to an Indian reservation and there is a lovely, mostly deserted road out to a farm that I ride at least once a week. The road to the farm dips up and then down. After six or eight miles it turn onto a long straightaway

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Breathe Believe Grateful Grace

After I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, I found a meditation that I repeated it in doctor’s offices and during hospital procedures and chemotherapy over that next year.

It was written out on an white index card with blue lines. Stuffed into my purse pocket, crinkled, I brought

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The Route (from Southern California to Florida)

There are lots of options when you decide you want to bike across the country. The first and it seemed to me primary decision is the supported or unsupported choice. If you choose a company to carry your stuff, help with food and lodging-that is "supported". Or you can choose

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